Solar Energy.
Illuminating the Future.

What is it

Ingenium transforms sunlight into clean and sustainable energy, paving the way towards the nations' energy decarbonization.

Sunlight is an inexhaustible source of energy. By employing solar panels, Ingenium harnesses solar radiation to convert it into electrical energy.

The mature and reliable technology of our projects ensures optimal performance, maximizing efficiency and minimizing environmental impact. From capturing radiation to distributing electrical energy, Ingenium contributes to the fight against climate change with sustainable and efficient processes.


01. Efficient processing Ingenium stands out for its ability to streamline processes, meets regulatory requirements effectively, and maintains smooth communication with administrations.
02. Storage Ingenium believes in storage as a key element in harnessing renewable energies and makes a clear commitment by incorporating it into its projects.
03. Agile permitting Our ability to prepare and submit documentation turns into agile and effective permitting.
04. Investor commitment As investors in facilities, Ingenium is committed to success of projects, being a stakeholder in their development and growth.
05. Hybridization Ingenium bets on the hybridization of renewable installations, maximizing efficiency and ensuring stable supply.

Success stories

Lazio 01 PV Peak Power MWp - 60,2
Typology - Standard PV
Region - Lazio
Number and type of panel - 89856 bifacial 670Wp modules
Energy injected (Year) - 113.750 MWh

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