Learning to Coexist.

What is it

Ingenium incorporates agrivoltaic technology, an innovative strategy that harmonizes solar energy generation with agricultural and/or livestock activities.

By efficiently integrating solar panels into agricultural lands, space utilization is maximized, and renewable energy is generated without compromising agricultural productivity.

This symbiotic approach not only promotes sustainability but also demonstrates the company’s commitment to integrated and responsible solutions, combining the best of renewable energy and agriculture for a more sustainable future.


01. Optimization of land use Agrivoltaic solutions maximize efficiency by using agricultural land for solar energy generation, allowing for dual functionality and avoiding competition for land use.
02. Environmental harmonization Agrivoltaic solutions integrate solar energy generation with agriculture and/or livestock, promoting harmonious coexistence between agricultural production and renewable energy, contributing to sustainable management of natural resources.
03. Improvement of agricultural activity The shade provided by solar panels can benefit crops by improving water use efficiency and reducing evaporation rates, resulting in more efficient resource use.
04. Income diversification for farmers Agrivoltaic projects provide farmers with the opportunity to increase profitability by offering a new source of income.
05. Institutional support Public administrations encourage the use of agrivoltaic technology in energy generation projects, streamlining permit acquisition and increasing their odds of success.

Success stories

Sardegna 04 PV Peak Power MWp · 64,5
Typology · AgriPV
Region · Sardegna
Number and type of panel · 96360 Bifacial 700Wp Modules
Energy injected (Year) · 126.530 MWh
Lazio 05 PV Peak Power MWp · 33,5
Typology · AgriPV
Region · Lazio
Number and type of panel · 47808 Bifacial 700Wp Modules
Energy injected (Year) · 59.150 MWh
Lazio 04 PV Peak Power MWp · 40,4
Typology · AgriPV
Region · Lazio
Number and type of panel · 57632 Bifacial 700Wp Modules
Energy injected (Year) · 69.659 MWh
Lazio 03 PV Peak Power MWp · 49,5
Typology · AgriPV
Region · Lazio
Number and type of panel · 84728 Mono 585 Wp Modules
Energy injected (Year) · 86.670 MWh
Lazio 02 PV Peak Power MWp · 50,4
Typology · AgriPV
Region · Lazio
Number and type of panel · 72630 bifacial 695Wp modules
Energy injected (Year) · 93.793 MWh

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